3 Types of Car Accidents and How You Should Help Prevent Them

Let’s face it: A car accident will cost you thousands of dollars’ worth of damages in vehicular repair bills and medical expenses. Sometimes it’s astonishing the amount of damage a slight concentration lapse can cause. 

In this article, we will discuss the common car accidents (and their main causes), and practical ways of preventing them.

Intersection Accidents

Regardless of how clear the road is, you must approach an intersection with a lot of caution. Unfortunately, you might miss a traffic light change at the last second and end up costing you significantly.

Evidently, you need to remain extra careful when approaching and going past an intersection. Some of the things you can do to avoid intersection accidents include:

  • Defensive Driving

You cannot be too cautious on the road. As such, always takes a moment after the traffic lights turn green to verify there are no oncoming vehicles before you cross.

  • Be on the Look Out

You should never underestimate what people would do to beat a traffic light. Inherently, look out for speeding vehicle trying to beat a yellow light. You might just have to give way and wait for the next light to turn green.

Rear-end Accidents

Many insurance claims are normally filed for rear-end collisions. Primarily, most rear-end collision occur without your direct involvement. For example, if a drunk driver is driving behind you at night, any slight delays hitting the brakes will send his vehicle nose-first onto yours. 

It always helps contacting an experienced Detroit car accident lawyer when filing a car accident claim. Nevertheless, there are various ways in which you can prevent a rear-end collision, including:

  • Strategic driving

Strategic driving calls for thorough analysis of situations on the road. You can avoid driving too close in front of a car that’s swerving all over. 

Additionally, if the car in front of you seems to be having a mechanical problem, it’s best to overtake and accelerate past it.

Strategic driving will help reduce your chances of being sandwiched in between the car you collide into and another that rear-ends your car.

  • Avoid Drunk Driving

Intoxicated driving is a traffic offense that attracts heavy fines and at times, short jail terms.

However, if a car accident occurs due to drunk driving, you may be facing some serious charges like vehicular manslaughter in case a life is lost during the car accident.

You are unable to make sound judgment when you are under the influence of an intoxicant. Therefore, there is a high possibility of rear-ending a car when you drive under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicant.

  • Maintain a Safe Distance

To avoid rear-ending a car driving in front of you, it’s recommended that you maintain a significant distance between the front car’s rear bumper and your car’s front bumper. 

Ideally, the clearance gives you an ample reaction time in case the front driver suddenly stops.

Single-Vehicle Accidents

Most car accidents involve multiple vehicle colliding. However, in some circumstances, only one car is involved in an accident. 

A car may crash into a tree or a barrier along the road, or your may lose control of your car and send it rolling down a hill or flying off a cliff.

However, preventing a single-vehicle car accident is a matter of accountability and behavioral adjustments. Some of the things you can do to prevent single-vehicle accidents include:

  • Maintain the Speed Limit

Not unless you are participating in a car racing event, you should always drive at the recommended speed, or at least at a speed you can comfortably handle and control your car. Just like an old saying goes, never “let your car drive you”.

  • Always Remain Focused

Regardless of a clear highway or how slow you are driving, you must always keep your eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel. 

The fact that you may be the only person driving on that particular road at that moment doesn’t qualify you to text and drive, or reach for a sandwich on the backseat.


Unfortunately, getting rid of car collisions entirely is almost impossible. However, avoiding simple, controllable mistakes can help a great deal on the road. 

Posted in Law